Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thing 13

Interesting idea being able to share your bookmarks or tags with others. Especially when team planning. Or as a librarian being able to share things that teachers only have to click on instead of type in or copy and paste to be able to get to.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thing 11

Okay I went to library thing and started my list and posted it on my page. Check back after July 10th and I will add more titles as I read them. Half-price books here I come!!

Thing 10

I really had fun with this. Problem is I am so tired of being on the computer my imagination sux. So I scanned a picture from our family portraits this past Christmas and made a family trading card. Now you can see what my kids look like. Cool

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thing 8

I have made my Google Reader public. Look for it on the sidebar.
What do you like about RSS and readers? It makes it easy to gather thoughts and spewings about things that interest you or your readers.
How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your school or personal life? Probably wouldn't use it in my personal life, right now I am just too busy with school to have a personal life, but could do something like a homework page for parents or link to your school library.
How can libraries/teachers/administrators use readers or take advantage of this new technology? Like the Library2Play site says, "Sharing information is a key component for 21st Century life-long learners ..."

Thing 7

I have used Google Earth several times. The students love being able to see where they live in "real time". I usually start with the school and go out from there, being careful to never show them where I live. LOL
I also liked the calendar. I am forever trying to find a calendar that I can use and that will keep me organized. Of course now I need an organizer for all my calendars.
More to come!
READ! (I am currently reading Charles and Emma, thanks Laura! Good read for those who are interested.)

Thing 6

Finally I have completed my mashup. Easy to find the pictures, but I originally started with Flickr and finding pictures that show purple. Found lots of pictures but never could get them to download right to Mosaic Maker. Finally got this done. Features a picture from Kindergarten, I am the teacher in the long black skirt in the front row. Third Grade group picture, Third Grade individual picture, and after my mother chopped my hair off in 5th grade.

More later, chicas and chicos!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thing 5

OMG! If you can't find a picture you need on Flickr then it probably hasn't been taken. Get a camera and take your own at that point. Very easy to maneuver and use. Make sure you watch which category you are getting your pictures from in case you have to document or cite your work.
Later chicas and chicos!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thing 3

Well, it only took me 3 nights to get to this point. I am hearing the Beatles in the back ground singing about a little help from my friends. You guys are just so great to work with. The whole process has been a learning experience and while I might have eventually done it on my own, I didn't have to. Even the teacher was having trouble but we eventually got in and got the blog created and up and running. I have been on a couple of other blogs, and commented.
Good night till we meet again!

Thing 2

Once I got started going to college,I had already been working in a career for 25 years. After my first couple of semesters, I wondered how and why I had forgotten that as a child all I ever wanted to be was a teacher. Somewhere along the way I found that desire again, and ever since have considered myself a lifelong learner. It was very interesting to see the video and compare my personal ideal and what others considered it to be.
While not the hardest, it will be the thing that will trip me up and that is time management which I put under obstacles, . Easy to identify, not so easy to control. That is one of my goals this summer is to really work on getting things done on time, maybe early!, and not falling behind on anything.
The easiest will be resources. Finding things and then bouncing ideas off colleagues and friends is one the aspects I enjoy the most. That's why total on-line courses are hard for me.
More next time.