Once I got started going to college,I had already been working in a career for 25 years. After my first couple of semesters, I wondered how and why I had forgotten that as a child all I ever wanted to be was a teacher. Somewhere along the way I found that desire again, and ever since have considered myself a lifelong learner. It was very interesting to see the video and compare my personal ideal and what others considered it to be.
While not the hardest, it will be the thing that will trip me up and that is time management which I put under obstacles, . Easy to identify, not so easy to control. That is one of my goals this summer is to really work on getting things done on time, maybe early!, and not falling behind on anything.
The easiest will be resources. Finding things and then bouncing ideas off colleagues and friends is one the aspects I enjoy the most. That's why total on-line courses are hard for me.
More next time.
Like you I tend to enjoy f2f learning best, but I have learned to adapt to the connivence of on-line learning...it is nice to sit in my pjs and work while sitting on my couch!